Proven treatment for inflammation in musculoskeletal pain

It is likely that you are not recovering from your musculoskeletal pain due to inflammation. The Advance team has extensively researched and published on this issue. You could consider seeing your pharmacist or GP for anti-inflammatory medication. Our research shows Voltaren (also called diclofenac) is the most effective over the counter anti-inflammatory. Importantly this medication does not just “mask” the pain, but rather reduces the inflammation which improves healing. If you are interested in this option please click here for some information to take to your pharmacist.

Once you have considered ± commenced diclofenac, it is important to follow these strategies for the next 2 days and then review your progress:

  • Avoid postures and activities that increase the pain including sport, heavier housework or strenuous work tasks

  • A walking program is one of the best methods of gentle exercise for reducing inflammation. Start walking at a speed and duration that is comfortable (e.g. 5 minutes at a slow to moderate pace). Over time as walking improves, increase the speed and duration of your walking provided it does not increase your pain. Aim to walk 3-4 times per day.

The following information sheets may also be of benefit to you in managing your inflammation:

If you have any questions or problems with the above approach please contact your GP or email